Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Socratic Seminar: "On Self Respect"

"Self-respect has nothing to do with the approval of others"

Personally, I believe that this article had valuable in-sight. Although it never talked about how to achieve self-respect, it discussed the importance of having it. The author had "lost the conviction that lights would always turn green" and in a sense that is part of growing up. Its the doors that close that shape you, not the doors that open. I would even argue its about the experiences you never got a chance to have, than the experiences you did have. For example; lets say you never celebrated you birthday, that shapes your personality, because other kids got to experience that.

The author also covers how ill-equiped one might feel if they do not have any self respect. It is as if you have "come across a vampire and having no crucifix in hand". Its the choice to sleep in the bed you have made for yourself, just like it is to feel comfortable in your own skin. Many people assume that self-respect has everything to do with the approval of others, when the author argues that its not.

On many levels I agree with the author. That every one goes through the awkward confusion, but they have to learn to realize that other peoples opinion doesn't matter, it is only your opinion of yourself that does. Could someone skip the awkward confusion and truly accept themselves at a young age?

I also found it strange how the author brought up the choice of adultery. That if people had self-respect they would own up to their mistake. But one would think that this would be the other way around, that if they had self-respect they would first become single before getting back into another relationship. How is cheating on your significant other something you would do out of self-respect, let alone respect for the other?

She also explained the traits that someone with self-respect had, basically she explained logic and having the time to think. She said they had the ability to discriminate, to love but still remain indifferent. Another point that confused me a bit. Could one still remain indifferent even if they were in love with someone? Would they not be upset if the other would leave?


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